Tedeschi Trucks Band | Made Up Mind – CD Review


It’s almost cliché to say how today’s music isn’t as deep and heartfelt as it was back in the day (whichever day that was). Then again, you can’t ignore the resurgence of roots music thanks to Mumford and Sons and the Lumineers (definitely not Alice Cooper’s cup of tea). But if you want to go even further to musicians who can play, touch the soul and rock out, Tedeschi Trucks Band’s album for 2013 Made Up Mind serves it up hot right out of the oven — a mixed broth of blues, soul, country, bluegrass and rock that brings hope to future generations in fear of losing their right to hear and savor real, genuine music played from the heart.

Derek Trucks and Susan Tedeschi aren’t exactly spring chickens (they’re in their late 30s), but there can be little argument that they bring a youthful exuberance crossed an old-school sensibility to the record’s 11 songs. The title track, which opens the album, is a perfect example of a song driven by a Cream-like riff set, pumped up full of rhythm ‘n blues, highlighting Tedeschi’s smooth, sultry gin-soaked vocals and Truck’s hypnotic slide work. Left curves lie ahead as the band cuts sharp into the confident blues of “Do I Looked Worried,” tip-toes through the breezy, pastoral, almost jazzy sway driving “Idle Wind,” then gets down and funky on “Misunderstood.” By this time, yours should be sizzling.

But wait – there’s more unexpected fun ahead. “Whiskey Legs” starts off as another funk-inspired back-scratcher that snaps and crackles with a digestible groove. Bringing down the festive mood a notch or two, “It’s So Heavy,” “Sweet And Low” and the acoustic blues finale “Calling Out To You” bear inescapable trace-like powers that simply draw you to your knees. Tedeschi may be the best rock and blues singer since Bonnie Raitt, and these pieces capture the essence and profundity of her voice to a tee. And, of course, with the purr of Truck’s electric and acoustic slide – now such an integral ingredient of the Allman Brothers Band’s current sound but given an expanded platform here – the songs breathe in and out easily, busting with verve and humanity. Simmered and homemade at the couple’s Swamp Raga studios in Jacksonville, Florida, Made Up Mind is the mark of purity and authenticity, however rare on the charts today, as accessible and moving as yesteryear’s classics.

~ Shawn Perry

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