Dave Stewart & Friends | December 8, 2014 | Roxy Theatre | Hollywood, CA – Photo Gallery


Photos by Ron Lyon

Dave Stewart, songwriter, producer and co-founder of Eurythmics, showed up at the Roxy Theatre for an installment of his special Dave Stewart & Friends show. The evening’s performance included guest musicians and artists, inclduing Stewart’s new personal project STEWART & LINDSEY, which partners tyhe musician with a one-of-a-kind young male singer from Louisiana. Hollie Stephenson: a 16-year old London-based soul singer/songwriter, opened the show.

Photographer Ron Lyon, whose photos appear below, had this to say about the night: “Dave can always be counted upon to bring fine musicianship and showcase new talent. This time with Holly Stephenson as opener and with vocalist Thomas Lindsey. Some seasoned music industry types who had not caught Dave’s previous shows were really blown away. Their reaction just added to my sense that he has the type of show more people want to see.”

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