Rush | Vapor Trails – Lost Gem

Six years after their previous studio album, 1996’s Test For Echo, Rush returned to the frontlines with a new album. Vapor Trails, their 17th studio album released in 2002,...

Van Halen | Van Halen – Lost Gem

One of my fondest rock and roll memories took place in the spring of 1977. A friend rang and asked if I'd like to go to the Whisky A...

Neil Young | Silver & Gold – Lost Gem

On the heels of the congenial reunion he had with Crosby, Stills and Nash in 2000, Neil Young released Silver & Gold, his 23rd solo release that figured is...

Keith Moon | Two Sides Of The Moon – CD Review

As an avid vinyl enthusiast, I’m always updating my collection and recently found a copy of a record I had been seeking out for years. As a big fan of...

Classic Commentary: Kansas | Leftoverture – Lost Gem Review

Amidst all the accusations of going commercial with their breakout album Leftoverture, the fourth album by the heartland prog rockers collectively known as Kansas hardly panders to the hit...

Steely Dan | Aja – Lost Gem

By 1977, Steely Dan had released five albums and five hit singles. Originally put together as a vehicle for Donald Fagan and Walter Becker's songs, the "band" had transformed...

Gentle Giant | Civilian – Lost Gem

Released in the spring of 1980, Gentle Giant's Civilian would mark the progressive rock band’s swan song. And even though guitarist Gary Green, keyboardist Kerry Minnear, singer Derek Shulman, bassist Ray...

Eric Burdon | ‘Til Your River Runs Dry – Lost Gem

As the powerful, gritty lead singer of the Animals in the 60s, Eric Burdon was an inspiration to the likes of John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix. In 1969, he...

Triumvirat | Illusions On A Double Dimple – Lost Gem

I have to thank my old friend Greg for turning me on to the German progressive band, Triumvirat. And boy, have I always been glad he did. Progressive rock...

T. Rex | Electric Warrior – Lost Gem

For anyone interested in the history of glam rock, the best place to start is with T. Rex's Electric Warrior. Led by the flamboyant Marc Bolan, T. Rex wasn't so...