The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours


Whimsical strings open the America western musical sounding “Second Hand News,” the first stood-on-its-head number on The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours. This is the famous orchestra that recorded film scores for “The Bride on the River Kwai,” backed Keith Emerson and the Nice, and even played with Yanni. If you want evidence that an orchestra can cook this opener that showcases the brass and strings perfectly with the rhythm section’s bassist Laurence Cottle (the rhythm section is known as the Hooligans), then this may be something to check out.

A plotting piano from James Graydon, accompanied by flute and piccolo, makes “Dreams” sweeping and light at the same time. We’re back to western movie-soundtrack territory (did these tunes sound so damn “Americana” on the original Rumours?) with the fun, almost goofy “Never Going Back Again,” moving along with some great oboe work from John Anderson. “Don’t Stop” sounds most recognizable with the benefit of The Hooligans. Richard Cottle’s piano makes the tune move along with and the violin from Clio Gould. “Songbird” is notable for its high horns and harp plucking from the RHO’s Hugh Webb.

I had a feeling “The Chain” would see the most interesting use of the Royal Philharmonic as it is basically two distinct tunes, and I wasn’t disappointed. The first part has some very strong horns over striking strings and percussion from Martin Owens, while the second part has some sweet high violin work from Clio Gould.

Cottle’s brilliant piano begins “You Make Loving Fun” before the strings kick in. This is one of the best tunes here and absolutely the best use of the RPO and the Hooligans. Peter Frampton shows up at the end of a basic orchestral read on the first half of “Gold Dust Woman.” There’s heady percussion from Hooligan Miles Bould with James Bond-like strings. After a bass interlude, Frampton sails in and things get truly interesting. Having such a great bunch of tunes to choose from and augmenting a fantastic orchestra with some key players makes The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours, recorded at Abbey Road studios in London, one fine album indeed!

~ Ralph Greco, Jr.

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