The Healing Effects Of Music And The Conquest Of Serenity


At a time when it is increasingly difficult to detach oneself from one’s passions, from enjoyments, from everything that provokes physical or mental pleasure, many people continue to find themselves entangled in a state of almost continuous suffering, in latent unhappiness that always proves ready to resurface, with devastating and unpredictable effects that risk turning individuals’ daily existence upside down. The end of a relationship, the loss of a job or a big deal, or the loss of a precious object or an asset we cherish, are all possible causes of unhappiness, and they all have a common denominator: attachment. It is not easy to find a way to detach oneself completely from the world, renouncing one’s passions and living only austerely, at peace with oneself, perhaps in a remote mountain resort that is difficult for other people to reach, as the sages of the past used to do. If you hear that the elimination of attachments is an easy goal that can be achieved in a short time, you can be sure that he is lying, and that he is simply devising a creative (but not too original) method to capture your attention and to get more money out of you. Be wary of this kind of guru, because they represent the most direct route to complete perdition, and in some cases represent an even more harmful and dangerous element than the various forms of attachment.

A Direct Way

The masters and philosophers of the past have elaborated highly original theories on neutralizing attachments, on achieving a clear, limpid state of mind in harmony with the universe, capable of transcending reality and getting as close as possible to the supreme truth. Everyone is free to follow the spiritual path that they feel best suits their characteristics, but they must also be aware that to obtain good results requires years and years of practice, dedication, and renunciation, not to mention the substantial renunciation of everything that is commonly considered pleasant. To eliminate the feelings of suffering, however, there are also more practical ways, much more direct, that could have a surprising effect on your ailments and remove them almost completely, certainly for a time, thus relieving the pain and that oppressive feeling of weight that characterizes them.

The Power Of Music

Music, from this point of view, has a surprising healing effect that is sometimes forgotten, or underestimated, even by all those experts who propose more or less credible methods to alleviate the emotional suffering of human beings. Some people listen to music almost automatically, as if it were the natural background of their days and their movements in the streets. Every city in the world, for some years now, has been crisscrossed by hordes of people walking proudly with their earphones (more or less visible), staring straight ahead and seemingly indifferent to everything around them. For some, listening to music while walking down the street is also a silent and non-violent way of expressing one’s contempt for the fruits of society, for other people, and for the achievements of civilization, which do not seem to deserve to even be touched with one’s gaze. Among the most effective genres of music to alleviate situations of stress and suffering is certainly rock, especially vintage rock: the combination of two or three songs of this genre can in fact trigger a state of mind of relative well-being that will be able to keep away, even if only for a short time, all the afflictions and emotional worries of the individual, lowering him into a dreamlike dimension in which only the purity of sound finds space. For best effects, this music should be listened to at home, preferably with eyes closed.

Interaction with others can also be extremely helpful in combating anxiety and bad moods. Many brands specializing in online gambling have already activated truly revolutionary game modes that allow each player to start their online games in the presence of a live dealer in the flesh, clearly visible on the screen and with whom they can interact in real-time as if the gaming experience were taking place in a land casino. With this opportunity offered by innovation, the overall experience within the online casino will be even more fun, even more exciting, and capable of satisfying every need.

The healing effect of music, but also of the virtuous interaction with people, is to be considered as good old medicine to be taken before going to bed, in order to give oneself a few (well-deserved) minutes of peace and serenity.

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