Live At Montreux 1982 Mink DeVille


Seeing as this Live At Montreux 1982 DVD is of a concert from 26 years ago, I watched the Mink DeVille Band, recalling how things were in 1982 and exactly what was being played on the radio (and MTV). I only mention this so as to put this very tight six-piece group in place with their ‘hair band’ counterparts of the day. Mink DeVille with their enigmatic lead singer, Willy DeVille, is certainly not like any band that was around at the time….nor are they every much like many others who have come and gone since.

Again we get the amazing camera work of a Montreux production team with on-stage close-ups so we can see every bead of sweat on skinny pompadoured Willy Deville’s face as he sings and sways for the crowd. The rest of the band consists of Louis Cortelezzi on sax, Kenny Margolis on keys, Paul James on lead guitar, Joey Vasta on bass and Tommy Price on drums — all pumping along through a myriad of musical styles. Songs run from the ‘noir’ feel of set opener “Harlem Nocturne” (written in 1939, no less!) right on through the groove of the third number, “Savior Faire,” and the triple shot of this 16-song set, “Love Me Like You Did Before,” “Spanish Stroll” and “Lipstick Traces.”

As with other DVDs from Montreux, there is a fold-out providing a background for each song played, maybe a bit gushing in its praise of DeVille, but informative nonetheless. What I liked most about this concert (beyond the deck-of-a-ship stage set) was how effortlessly Mink DeVille performs, how easily they can switch from all-out rockers to ballads, and then end with a song like “Stand By Me,” I’m not sure about the current state of live bands (I really don’t get out all that much these days) but I can tell you Mink DeVille is about as tight as a band can get. And this DVD is a great historical document to what they were all about.

~ Ralph Greco, Jr.

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