Jon Anderson & The Band Geeks | Live – Perpetual Change – Live Release Review


You surely don’t have to sell a crusty old prog head like me on Jon Anderson or The Band Geeks. Jon Anderson launched his partnership with The Band Geeks for a tour in the Spring of 2023. The plan was to perform just classic 1970 Yes songs, something The Band Geeks became considerably popular (30 million views on YouTube) doing before teaming up with Anderson. Live – Perpetual Change is a double CD and DVD from that tour.

We jump from a snapping and surely heavy “Yours Is No Disgrace” into a spectacularly nuanced “Perpetual Change.” The 10 Yes songs are perfectly played as one would expect. What’s truly amazing though is how clear-as-a-bell Anderson’s voice still sounds. Jon Anderson is one of those rare vocalists who really hasn’t lost his range or power. If anything, his sky-high voice is even richer with a hint of lower tones he’s able to skip over like a choirboy.

There are wonderful Yes gems here, from the full 17 minutes plus of “Close To The Edge,” and “Starship Trooper,” to the spiritually charged “Awaken.” The set climaxes with the epic “Gates Of Delirium,” before ending with the ubiquitous “Roundabout.” With various entities still out there playing Yes music, music fans have lots to be thankful for. The shows from Live – Perpetual Change led to the excellent True studio album Anderson & The Band Geeks cut. I have no doubt there’s more to come from this combination.

~ Ralph Greco, Jr.

Live – Perpetual Change