Conspiracy | The Unknown – CD Review


Yes reissues from Rhino continue to fall from the sky at an alarming rate. When they unearth bonus tracks for albums likeTales From Topographic Oceans, Relayer and Going For The One, you know they mean business. In the midst of ongoing Yes activity, bassist Chris Squire squeezes one out with Billy Sherwood, who was with Yes for a couple of albums before flying the coup. Their second album together under the name Conspiracy (the first album was self-titled), The Unknown is a sort of a modern throwback to the music Yes was making during the 80s.

There are times you almost expect Trevor Rabin to come booming out of the left speaker. Partly because of this, the disc initially comes off as a tattered affair that speaks volumes about why members of well-established bands should think twice before stepping outside of their immediate circle. However, there are signs of intelligent life that boast the record’s credibility. There is one example of this when
Squire takes the lead vocal on “1/2 A World Away,” a melodic exercise that, despite its 90125/Big Generator similarities, is intriguing in its breadth and sustenance. If you’re a hardcore Yes fan, you may consider adding this to your collection.

~ Shawn Perry

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