Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Belew’s Bear Necessities
Photo above courtesy of Rob Fetters
Take a second and think about some of the music legends you admire. Chances are, you could easily play a game called “Six Degrees...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Singer Of Songs, Teller Of Tales ~ Paul Davis Remembered
Photos Courtesy of Ed Seay
His name is somehow synonymous with yacht rock but don’t let this misnomer fool you. The late, great Paul Davis should really be considered a...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Exposure (“We Are Maggie and Terre and Suzzy”)
Photos courtesy of Terre and Suzzy Roche
Forty years ago, guitar legend Robert Fripp unveiled two of his most unique album efforts — neither of which bared the King Crimson label.
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Follow Me ~ The Musical Majesty Of Demis Roussos
Photos courtesy of Rosmarie Kaiser
One of the greatest singers to ever grace the planet never had a Top 40 hit in America.
While you’re likely to be more familiar with his...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: How Do I Survive ~ Amy Holland at 40
Photos courtesy of Amy Holland
February 25, 1981, marked one of the most important dates in singer Amy Holland’s life and career.
Bolstered by the success of a Number 22 Billboard...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Snake Eyes, Seventh Heaven ~ The Alan Parsons Project ‘The...
Photo Courtesy of Lenny Zakatek
The Alan Parsons Project
The Turn Of A Friendly Card
In 1980, the Alan Parsons Project opted to make gambling the core concept of its fifth album....
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: The Lovable Sweetness of Lime
Photo Courtesy of Denyse Le Page
Disco supposedly bit the dust on July 12, 1979.
The venue was Comiskey Park in Chicago where, during a White Sox-Tigers battle royale, a dumpster full...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: “Come On, You Little Fighter” — Supertramp’s ‘Famous’ Followup
Band Photos Courtesy of John Helliwell
Regardless of its commercial stature, Supertramp is one those unique rock bands that never seemed to get a break – enduring its fair share of...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Sad-Eyed Sinatra ~ Rickie Lee Jones’ ‘Pirates’ Looks At 40
Select photos courtesy of Michael Halsband
When Rickie Lee Jones set about making the follow-up to her smashing success of a debut album, she could have easily coasted with an...
Ira Kantor’s Vinyl Confessions: Look At Little Sister
Photo Courtesy of Kate Taylor
One of my fondest memories occurred at about 7 AM on August 9, 2014 — my 30th birthday.
I was about the board a ferry with my...