Journey | Columbia Reissues (1978 – 88) – CD Review


Every journey has a beginning, a middle and an end. Except the band, Journey,
whose destination does, indeed, seem to be infinity. What has given Journey’s
music enough sturdiness to survive a nuclear war? What has allowed them to deflect
barrages of critics’ slings and arrows? What has given this band such
vast appeal that, even as you read this, countless radio stations are playing
Journey, scores of Karaoke patrons are singing in joyous discord with Journey,
and Journey’s songs are probably recognized by Aboriginal tribes otherwise
untouched by civilization, and possibly a few Galapagos turtles, too? Passion.
Journey writes and plays with a passion that freeze-frames life’s defining
moments, creating a musical memory book. For at least one significant event
in your life, there’s probably a Journey song intertwined with it. Or
there’s at least one Journey song that elicits strong emotions, or a sense
of place or time.

On the reissues of Infinity (1978), Evolution
(1979), Departure (1980), Escape (1981) and
Greatest Hits (1988), it’s evident that the single step
that became a giant leap for Journey can be summarized in two words: Steve Perry.
Before the addition of vocalist Perry, Journey was a lesser, progressive rock
band formed by ex-Santana guitarist Neal Schon and keyboardist Gregg Rolie.
When their original singer was scrapped for Steve Perry in 1978, the combination
of Journey and Perry had the chemistry of nuclear fusion.

Infinity exploded onto the charts. Perry’s songwriting,
one-of-a-kind voice and emotive, achingly poignant style coupled seamlessly
with the depth of his bandmates’ progressive rock and jazz backgrounds.
Infinity is guitar-driven and blues-influenced, adorned by
“Lights,” with Perry’s soaring, belted-out bridge and Schon’s
equally breathtaking solo, and the churning rhythms of “Wheel in the Sky.”

Next came Evolution, with the gorgeous “City of the
Angels,” the hit “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’,”
and solidification of Journey’s reign over the airways and record stores.
Hot on the heels of Evolution came Departure,
which was literally Journey’s departure into the 80s. Although it spawned
the mega-anthem “Any Way You Want It,” it hearkened the departure
of Rolie and the swapping of his classic rock influence for the more mainstream
songwriting of Babys’ keyboardist Jonathan Cain. With Cain aboard, Journey
released Escape, which careened to Number One and brimmed with
hit after hit: “Open Arms,” “Don’t Stop Believin’,”
“Stone in Love,” “Who’s Cryin’ Now” and
“Still They Ride.”

Although Journey has been pigeonholed as pop, they’re equally fluent
in a diversity of styles not adequately represented on Greatest Hits.
The deeper cuts and bonus tracks on the other CDs, such as the majestic, classically
influenced “Winds of March” (Infinity) with its
jazzy, whirlwind B3 workout, the straight-ahead, hard rocking “Can Do”
(Infinity) and the Latin-flavored “La Raza del Sol”
(a bonus track from Escape) are likewise characteristic of
a band whose scope spans many stylistic terrains. Perhaps Journey should just
release a compilation of songs and call it Eternity. Their
music will certainly be around for at least that long.

~ Merryl Lentz

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