Keith St. John & Friends | May 28, 2020 | Monsters of Rock Stage | North Hollywood, CA – Photo Gallery


Photos by Joe Schaeffer

With concerts on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many musicians have taken to the Internet with a nonstop flow of streaming “virtual” concerts to keep their fans happy. Recently, the folks behind the Monsters of Rock Cruise (MORC) got real ambitious and staged various live streaming concerts. Montrose / Kingdom Come singer Keith St. John snagged a spot, and invited a few of his friends, including guitarists Mitch Perry, Dave Amato and Rick Steier, bassists Sean McNabb and Mic Mahan, and drummers Dicki Fliszar and James Kottak. Fortunately, photographer Joe Schaeffer was on hand to take a few photos. Check out his shots below…

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