Gary Wright | Connected – CD Review


It warms my cockles (where they happen to be on my body I’m not so sure) when
I see and hear guys like Gary Wright putting out new music. His 10-song CD Connected
finds the Dream Weaver in good voice and, at times, making some very pop-friendly
R&B. “Satisfied” is a semi-gospel number with that all-too-familiar
(and all-too-missed) keyboard sound in the background and Wright’s slightly
raspy, yet soulful voice rising over the top. There are a few special guests
that make the song really move, like Ringo Starr on drums, and Joe Walsh and
Jeff “Skunk” Baxter on guitars. And that’s only the first song!

“Get Your Hands Up” has an almost Peter Gabriel vibe to it, mostly
due to Will Kennedy’s superb subtle drumming. This is also where we get the
first hint of Wright’s prodigious keyboard talents as he plays it out at the
end. “Under Your Spell” starts off as a little spacey and morphs into
a nice ballad. “Can’t Find No Mercy” is highlighted by singers Valerie
Pinkston and Lisa Vaughn on the album’s most commercial tune. “Gimme
Some Time” finds Wright slipping into Rod Stewart mode, but the real gem
on Connected is “Kirra Layne,” an emotional ode to
the man’s daughter. The CD ends with the multi-layered keyboard work of “You
Make Me Feel Better,” featuring top-notch harmonies between Wright and…Wright.

If you pick up a deluxe digital version of Connected at iTunes
and TheDreamWeaver
web site
, you’ll be treated to two songs connected to Wright’s
friend George Harrison:. “To Discover Yourself,” co-written with
Harrison in 1971 and recorded the day the Beatle guitarist passed away, and
“Never Give Up,” recorded in 1989 with Harrison on guitar. As the
Spooky Tooth singer himself says: “I named the album Connected
because I believe we are all connected with one another, and that our thoughts
and actions have a great influence on our planet collectively.” This positive
and spiritual outlook comes through on every track, maybe to a redundant degree
at times. But every good message bears repeating to achieve a bona fide connection.
And on that note, Wright scores high.

~ Ralph Greco, Jr.

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