Cheech & Chong / The Family Stone / WAR | May 24, 2014 | Greek Theatre | Los Angeles, CA – Concert Review


Review & Photos by Junkman

“Hot Fun In The Summertime” or “It’s Summer,”
perhaps. Yeah, I know, that technically it is still Spring, but here in Los
Angeles, the weather is usually the same at this time of year. Just plain
nice. And what a nice evening and setting it was for some “old school”
music and comedy featuring three of my favorite acts of the funky 70s era,
at the always comfy confides of the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles.

Sponsored in part by radio station Hot 92.3, things got off to a fun start
with The Family Stone — basically a group made up of some members of
Sly and the Family Stone, sans Sly. Lots of sing-along’s in their brief set.
And it was great to see original member, trumpeter, and vocalist Cynthia Robinson
as part of the band, as they kept everyone’s toes tapping with “Thank
You (Fa Lettin’ Me be Mice Elf Agin),” “Hot Fun In The Summertime,”
“Dance To The Music” and “I Want To Take You Higher.”
which brought out a whole new meaning of it’s own.

Clouds of “natures herb” were everywhere and I prepared myself
for the inevitable “contact high,” which happens at lots of outdoor concerts.
But with the next act, you just KNOW that its going to happen. I think outside
of a Grateful Dead concert, this is the one act that would unite most pot
smokers, from all ages and all walks of life.

I’m talking of course, about the legendary comedy duo of Cheech and Chong.
Now reunited after many years apart, they were proceeded onstage by Tommy
Chong’s lovely wife Shelby Chong, who did a few minutes of standup comedy,
mostly focusing on her 30 year marriage to Tommy, and his outrageous bust
and nine-month jail sentence for the lowly crime of selling a bong online.

She then brought out Cheech and Chong, looking older, but still with the
twinkle in their eyes (or were they just stoned?) of two friends that love
to make people laugh. Seated on stools, center stage, with the attractive
Shelby between them, acting as an interviewer, they talked and answered various
questions about how they met, how they broke up, how they got together, and
the various success they have experienced solo and shared between them. Again,
two old friends that still can make you laugh, and love doing it.

“Remember, Cheech like peach, and Chong like bong,” Chong explained.

They then left the stage and out came WAR, who had their own
hit parade happening for the mellowed out crowd. Classics like “Slippin’
Into Darkness,” “The World Is A Ghetto,” and “Me And Baby
Brother” got everyone singing and dancing in the aisles. During “Cisco
Kid,” WAR singer LeRoy “Lonnie” Jordan walked through the crowd
with his microphone, letting fans sing the chorus. Even though they were completely
out of tune, he grinned and everyone enjoyed themselves, adding to the party

The band then took a break, and Cheech And Chong came back onstage to perform
a few of their classic routines, like “Dave’s Not Here,””Driving
With Pedro And Man” ( the Up In Smoke movie version..) “Santa
Claus And His Old Lady,””Blind Melon Chitlin” and, of course,
Cheech as rock star Alice Bowie sporting a tutu and Mickey Mouse ears for
a rockin’ version of “Earache My Eye,” eliciting roars of laughter
from the medicated crowd, including myself, now sporting the buzz that I knew
was coming.

I have been a fan of Cheech and Chong since I was a kid. Back
in the mid 70s, I memorized everything that they ever did, word for word.
It drove my teachers and classmates crazy as I recited their routines over
and over. Looking around, and seeing the joy on the peoples’ faces as
they did their routines, I knew I was among friends and fans alike. A really
good feeling to have. And it wasn’t just because of the weed.

The good feeling continued, as WAR came back on stage and continued to rock,
new songs and old. the Chicano anthem “Low Rider” had the whole
place dancing as WAR brought out the “Old School” en masse. Cheech
and Chong then joined them for a great ending of “Mexican Americans/Beaners”
from the hit movie Up In Smoke, and Cheech serenaded the crowd with
his 80s hit “Born In East LA.”

A fun time was had by all, and as the crowd headed towards the parking lot,
they each looked like the huge smiling face on the cover of the classic WAR album Why Can’t We Be
(its famous title track was played and sang by all as a finale). Just a good time for all attending, stoned or not. Cheech
and Chong mentioned that there will be a new C&C movie coming
out, and WAR will continue to record new music as well. And The party continues as well…

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