Bob Dylan | Christmas In The Heart – CD Review

You can imagine the grins and guffaws at the notion of Bob Dylan of singing traditional holiday hymns. Then again, for the last few years, Dylan’s been caving in...

Bob Dylan | Time Out Of Mind – New Studio Release Review

The surprise hit of 1997 has to be the re-emergence of Bob Dylan as a viable musical force. Dylan first made news this past summer when he was hospitalized...

Neil Young & Crazy Horse | Greendale – New Studio Release Review

If you listen to Greendale cold without knowing its conceptual membrane, you might get happily lost in the slapdash looseness of Neil Young and Crazy Horse. But for those...

Neil Young | Are You Passionate? – CD Review

Neil Young has gone and done it again. He's gone ahead and given himself another make-over, this time in the guise of an old soul, aligning loose fitting melodies with...

Yes | Magnification – CD Review

The key to the music of Yes has always been about how much texturing could be applied to jolt any given piece through the stratosphere. Anyone familiar with the...