Intelligent Music Project III | Touching The Divine – CD Review


The Intelligent Music Project is the brainchild of producer and composer Dr. Milen Vrabevski, MD. The third release from the good doctor and his assembled group of amazing players — drum legend Simon Phillips, Toto vocalist Joseph Williams (both on board for the My Kind O’ Lovin’ release from Intelligent Music Project II), veteran bassist Nathan East, guitarist Tim Pierce and Asia vocalist and bassist John Payne — is the 14-song Touching The Divine.

Joseph Williams’ sweet vocal and Tim Pierce’s lilting acoustic guitar open “Opening.” We are quickly into a running piano and what could only be Simon Phillip’s quick drumming as the song develops into an expansive over-the-top prog piece. “Escape” is built around another running piano part, but it showcases a mix of beautiful voices (harmonies are used to the fore on all 14 songs), while “Sky” is led by a straight-ahead beat, power chords and harmony vocals with one of those catchy choruses underlined by the full meat of the production. Williams truly shines on this one.

“We Can” is one of the simplest, yet lushest pieces here. Amidst a swirling synth atmosphere, acoustic and stuttering drum touches, the harmonies ultimately make the piece. “Life” slides along with an almost Pablo Cruise vibe with full harmonies and positive lyrics swinging along, driven by Phillip’s snare. “Roots” is pure pop, sustained by William’s vocal and riffing from Pierce.

John Payne is featured on the album’s single, “Mind Projection,” a melodic and mellow number. Vrabevski himself played acoustic guitar and commissioned a video shot in Bulgaria by Vasil Stefanov. “The explicit idea was to show the level of collaboration and collective effort of all featuring musicians,” the doctor says of the project. As the third Intelligent Music Project, Touching The Divine drives the point home and then some — the power of music can bring people together under most any circumstances.

~ Ralph Greco

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